September 26, 201950Tons day Input Cassava Starch Production Line In VietnamProject case : 10T-12T/D tapioca starch plantCapacity : 50tons/day input fresh cassava roots Location: in Vietnamview
July 25, 2018Africa is called the "tropical continent", and its climate is characterized by high temperature, little rain and dryness, and the climate zone is distributed in a north-south symmetry.view
February 14, 2019Jieshou is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Anhui Province, located in the northwestern part of Anhui Province. In 2017, the Anhui provincial government focused on promoting the transform...view
September 26, 2019200Tons day Potato Starch Production Line In ChinaProject case : small potato starch processing plantCapacity : 200tons per day input fresh potato Location: in Chinaview
September 25, 201930Tons per day Input Tapioca Starch Processing Plant in GambiaProject case : 5T/D cassava starch plantCapacity : 30tons/day input fresh cassava roots Location: in Gambiaview